Xenon Solar Simulator I Lamp Sunlight Simulator I Lamp Solar Simulator I Tank Reactor I Photochemical reactor
Xenon Solar Simulator optical degradation / photolysis of water into hydrogen dedicated xenon light source. It is xenon light source for photocatalytic applications in the field of research. Internal light source is mounted 300W high-pressure short-arc xenon Light. Simulator have arc discharge excitation under situation of high-frequency high-voltage. Spherical high-pressure short arc xenon lamp is point light source with very small light-emitting points.
The light radiated waves strong and stable, with strongly continuous spectrum from ultraviolet to near infrared.
Visible color very close to the sun light, with high energy density, stability output.
Xenon solar simulator application:
Industrial catalysis
Aquatic photolysis of hydrogen
Photochemical catalysis
Photochemical synthesis
Optical degradation of pollutants
Water pollution processing
Optical detection
Various simulated sunlight visible acceleration experiment,
Ultraviolet acceleration experiments and other research fields.